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Protect your family from Mold and viruses in Deerfield,IL

Kills Mold, Bacteria, and Viruses Reduces Allergens, Smoke, and Odors

Installs in Any HVAC System air cleaner.
Provides Non-stop Protection
iWave’s advanced technology air purifier for home, provides the most effective air purification method in the industry best air purifier for covid. Other common indoor air purification methods require regular maintenance and/or bulb and cell replacement, making it less desirable to own.
We also install major UV light cleaners APCO and air purifier for dust.
iWave air purifying devices and UV light air cleaners. We help you protect your family, so you can all breathe easier!
iWave and UV air purifying devices install in any duct or ductless air conditioning system. When air passes over the system, ions produced by the device reduce pathogens, allergens, particles, smoke, and odors in the air, and create a healthy environment. Overall benefits include

air cleaner